July 7, 1977

July 7, 1977
A Shelter from the storm

These are the days

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blogger - Clogger it's all the same!

Look at me now family who would have thought? Thanks to Jaclyn and her quick but precise lesson on blogging in between afternoon naps here I am. A blogger. It kind of makes me want to laugh. Maybe because it sounds like a clogger and you all know how that makes me laugh. It doesn't matter where I am, from Miss Richfield to Miss Utah to Miss America, I can't help myself, whenever that music starts and those feet get a goin' on stage I am a goner. So how was that for a first post? I am sure you are all so very proud of me. While you are at it check out the picture of me and "My Cowboy" on the side!!!!!

1 comment:

Jake Hunt said...

I wanted to be the first to comment that it is quite the accomplishment and congratulations on your first post