July 7, 1977

July 7, 1977
A Shelter from the storm

These are the days

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Part One of "Someday you will laugh about this" curse.

The AC (anniversary curse) is alive and well at this Empty Nester house even 31 years later! Any of you who would be reading this will know what this curse is all about. Unfortunately, most of you know by your own unfortunate experiences. As I ponder upon this I believe that it must have something to do with the original 7-7-77. I mean really!!!! Who in the world gets the stomach flu on their wedding day in the middle of July. That would be me. AND further more, in between taking wedding pictures and leaning over the Colonial House bowl every 10 minutes, my new mom in law decided to call our hometown doctor and have his nurse rush over and "give me something quick!" I was excited to see her because as she was flicking the needle and taking careful aim at my backside I exclaimed with great amazement " I didn't know that they have a shot for the stomach flu!" I remember her removing the needle and placing a band aid on me all in one efficient movement, looking up at me and saying " Oh no honey, this shot is not for the flu. It is for your nerves! Ina told us that you needed a little something to help you relax." I didn't know what to say! I was shocked. What was there to be nervous about????? This was my wedding reception. An event I had looked forward to for years. This was supposed to be fun. I just had the good old fashioned stomach flu. That's all. Well, the rest is history. I was so drugged by the shot of who knows what ( I honestly don't think I had ever had anything more than an aspirin or penicillin in my life) that I could hardly stand. I felt like my head was in a fish bowl. I just stood, shook hands and smiled and nodded at what ever was said because I couldn't hear. Everything was slurred and in slow motion to me. My eyes were blurry and my head was spinning and pounding and now I WAS really, really sick. Honestly, I had to leave my own reception line, trudge up the Colonial House stairs to the brides room and colapse on the floor with my bridesmaids following me. Someone was quick to tell me "Someday you will laugh about this." Well, that day is still not here, at least not yet. Bright side? I still got the groom, the Temple Sealing was perfect and I honestly looked lovely in my wedding pictures. I guess cause I was too sick to really care. Part 2 tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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